10 Best Tank Mates for Betta Fish

purple betta

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are popular for their vibrant colors and feisty personalities. However, their aggressive nature has earned them a reputation for being solitary creatures. Contrary to popular belief, Betta fish can live peacefully with other fish, provided the tank mates are carefully selected. If you’re considering adding companions to your Betta’s tank, here are ten of the best tank mates that are known to coexist harmoniously with Betta fish.

1. Corydoras Catfish

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Corydoras catfish, often called Cory Cats, are small, peaceful bottom-dwellers that make excellent tank mates for Betta fish. These catfish are social creatures that enjoy the company of their kind, so it’s best to keep them in groups of at least three. Since they inhabit the bottom of the tank and are generally non-aggressive, they won’t compete with your Betta for space or food.

2. Harlequin Rasboras

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Harlequin Rasboras are another popular choice for Betta tank mates. These small, schooling fish are peaceful and non-threatening to Betta fish. They are active swimmers that prefer to stay in the middle and upper regions of the tank, which helps minimize any potential conflicts with a Betta that likes to patrol the top of the tank. A school of six or more Harlequin Rasboras can add a lively and colorful presence to your aquarium without disturbing your Betta.

3. Cherry Barbs

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Cherry Barbs are a peaceful and hardy species that can coexist well with Betta fish. They are small, schooling fish that prefer to stay in groups of at least six. Cherry Barbs are known for their striking red coloration, which can add a vibrant contrast to your Betta’s colors. These fish are active but non-aggressive, making them unlikely to provoke a Betta. They typically inhabit the middle and lower regions of the tank, minimizing any potential territory disputes with your Betta.

4. Neon Tetras

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Neon Tetras are a vibrant addition to any tank, with their striking blue and red colors. These small, schooling fish are generally peaceful and prefer to stay in groups of six or more. Neon Tetras inhabit the middle region of the tank and are fast swimmers, which helps them avoid any aggressive advances from a Betta. Their small size and peaceful nature make them a great choice for a Betta community tank.

5. Mystery Snails

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Mystery Snails are a popular non-fish option for Betta tank mates. These snails are slow-moving, peaceful creatures that won’t compete with your Betta for food or territory. Mystery Snails also help keep the tank clean by eating algae and leftover food. They come in a variety of colors, adding both functionality and visual interest to your aquarium.

6. Amano Shrimp

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Amano Shrimp are known for their algae-eating abilities and are a great addition to a Betta tank. These shrimp are peaceful and tend to stay out of the Betta’s way. However, it’s important to note that not all Betta fish will tolerate shrimp, so it’s best to introduce them to the tank cautiously. Providing plenty of hiding spots for the shrimp can help them coexist more peacefully with a Betta.

7. Celestial Pearl Danios

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Celestial Pearl Danios, also known as Galaxy Rasboras, are small, peaceful fish that make excellent companions for Betta fish. These stunning fish are known for their iridescent spots and vibrant colors, resembling a starry night sky. They are schooling fish, so it’s best to keep them in groups of six or more. Celestial Pearl Danios are shy and tend to stay in the middle to lower regions of the tank, avoiding confrontation with Betta fish.

8. Ember Tetras

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Ember Tetras are small, bright orange schooling fish that add a splash of color to your tank. Like other tetras, they prefer to stay in groups and inhabit the middle to upper regions of the tank. Ember Tetras are peaceful and fast swimmers, which helps them avoid any confrontations with a Betta. Their small size and gentle nature make them compatible with Betta fish.

9. Rummy Nose Tetras

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Rummy Nose Tetras are a peaceful and striking schooling fish that can be great companions for Betta fish. Rummy Nose Tetras are active swimmers that prefer to stay in groups of six or more, usually occupying the middle region of the tank. Their fast swimming and schooling behavior help them avoid any potential aggression from a Betta.

10. Ghost Shrimp

Photo By AndreaIzzotti/YAY Images

Ghost Shrimp are small, transparent shrimp that are often used as feeder shrimp but can also be kept as pets. They are peaceful and non-threatening to Betta fish. Ghost Shrimp are scavengers, helping to clean up leftover food and debris in the tank. As with Amano Shrimp, it’s important to monitor your Betta’s behavior when introducing Ghost Shrimp, as some Betta fish may see them as a snack.

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