Freshwater shrimp are fascinating creatures that add a unique touch to any aquarium. Their vibrant colors and interesting behaviors make them popular among aquarists. However, keeping shrimp in a community tank requires careful selection of tank mates to ensure their safety and well-being. Read on to learn about the ten best tank mates for freshwater shrimp, focusing on species that are peaceful, compatible, and won’t see your shrimp as a tasty snack.
1. Small Tetras

Small tetras, such as Neon Tetras and Ember Tetras, are excellent tank mates for freshwater shrimp. These fish are peaceful, schooling species that thrive in similar water conditions as shrimp. Their small size and non-aggressive nature make them unlikely to pose a threat to your shrimp. Additionally, tetras’ bright colors and active swimming patterns create a lively environment, enhancing the visual appeal of your tank.
2. Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Gouramis are small, colorful fish that can peacefully coexist with freshwater shrimp in a well-planted tank. While they are slightly larger than some other tank mates, Dwarf Gouramis are generally calm and non-aggressive, especially when kept in a spacious environment with plenty of hiding spots. Their vibrant colors and graceful swimming add visual interest to the tank, and their peaceful nature ensures they won’t harm shrimp, particularly if they are well-fed and the tank is well-maintained.
3. Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras catfish, or “Corys,” are small, bottom-dwelling fish that get along well with shrimp. They are peaceful scavengers that feed on leftover food and debris, helping to keep the tank clean. Corydoras are social creatures that prefer to be kept in groups, and their gentle behavior ensures they won’t harm your shrimp. Their presence adds diversity to the lower levels of your tank, complementing the activity of your shrimp.
4. Celestial Pearl Danios

Celestial Pearl Danios, also known as Galaxy Rasboras, are small, peaceful fish that make great companions for freshwater shrimp. These fish are known for their stunning coloration, featuring a galaxy-like pattern of spots. They are non-aggressive and prefer to swim in the mid to upper levels of the tank, leaving the shrimp to peacefully occupy the bottom. Their small size and gentle nature ensure that they won’t pose a threat to shrimp or their offspring.
5. Harlequin Rasboras

Harlequin Rasboras are another peaceful species that coexist well with freshwater shrimp. These fish are known for their striking coloration and schooling behavior. Harlequin Rasboras are small and non-aggressive, making them a safe choice for a shrimp tank. Their presence in the mid to upper levels of the tank creates a dynamic and visually appealing environment, balancing the activity of shrimp at the bottom.
6. Bristlenose Plecos

Bristlenose Plecos are small, algae-eating catfish that are compatible with freshwater shrimp. Unlike larger Pleco species, Bristlenose Plecos remain relatively small and are less likely to cause disturbances in the tank. They are peaceful and primarily focus on grazing algae, leaving your shrimp undisturbed. Their unique appearance and utility as algae eaters make them a valuable addition to a shrimp tank.
7. Kuhli Loaches

Kuhli Loaches are peaceful, eel-like fish that can coexist with shrimp in a community tank. These nocturnal creatures are known for their burrowing behavior and preference for hiding in the substrate. While they are bottom-dwellers, Kuhli Loaches are generally non-aggressive and do not pose a threat to adult shrimp. However, caution should be exercised with shrimp fry, as loaches may mistake them for food.
8. Cherry Barbs

Cherry Barbs are small, peaceful fish that can be kept with shrimp in a well-planted tank. These fish are active but non-aggressive, making them suitable companions for shrimp. Cherry Barbs are less likely to nip at shrimp than some other barb species, especially when kept in groups of six or more. Their red coloration contrasts nicely with the green of plants and the various colors of shrimp.
9. Snails (Nerite or Mystery Snails)

While not fish, snails like Nerite Snails or Mystery Snails make excellent tank mates for freshwater shrimp. These snails are peaceful, algae-eating creatures that help keep the tank clean without bothering shrimp. They are slow-moving and pose no threat to shrimp or their young. Snails also add an interesting dynamic to the tank, with their different shapes, colors, and behaviors.
10. Amano Shrimp

If you’re looking to create a diverse shrimp community, Amano Shrimp are a perfect addition. Amano Shrimp are slightly larger than most dwarf shrimp species but are peaceful and get along well with other shrimp. They are excellent algae eaters, helping to keep the tank clean while coexisting harmoniously with smaller shrimp species like Cherry Shrimp or Ghost Shrimp. Amano Shrimp also add variety in size and appearance to your shrimp tank. Please Note: This content was created with the assistance of AI and thoroughly edited by a human before publishing.