10 Signs Your Dog Trusts You Completely

French bulldog with family

Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship, and the bond between you and your dog is no exception. Dogs, being social creatures, thrive on trust and connection with their human companions. But how do you know if your dog trusts you completely? Here are 10 telltale signs that your furry friend feels safe and secure in your presence.

1. Relaxed Body Language

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When your dog trusts you, their body language will reflect a state of relaxation and comfort. A dog that feels safe around you will often have a loose, wagging tail, soft eyes, and a relaxed posture. If they flop down on their back and expose their belly, it’s a sign of ultimate trust. This vulnerable position shows that they believe you will protect them and that they don’t need to be on guard.

2. Eye Contact

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Dogs that trust you will willingly make eye contact. This is a big deal in the canine world, as direct eye contact can be seen as a challenge or threat among dogs. However, when your dog gazes into your eyes, it’s a sign that they trust and love you. This mutual gaze releases oxytocin, the “love hormone,” in both of you, strengthening your bond even further.

3. Following You Around

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If your dog follows you from room to room, it’s a clear sign they trust you and feel secure in your presence. Dogs are naturally social animals, and they enjoy being close to those they trust. Whether you’re cooking in the kitchen, working at your desk, or just watching TV, your dog’s close proximity is their way of showing they feel safest when they’re with you.

4. Leaning Against You

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When a dog leans against you, they are displaying a high level of trust. This act of leaning is a way for your dog to feel close to you and seek comfort. It’s their way of saying, “I trust you to support me.” This behavior also shows that your dog views you as a source of stability and reassurance.

5. Enjoying Being Petted

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Dogs that trust their owners will love being petted and handled. If your dog relaxes or even falls asleep while you’re petting them, it’s a clear sign of trust. They feel comfortable enough to let their guard down completely, knowing that your touch is safe and soothing. Some dogs might even nudge your hand for more pets, a sure sign they enjoy the interaction and feel secure with you.

6. Sleeping Near You

dog sleeping near woman
Photo By YuriArcurs/YAY Images

Sleeping is when dogs are most vulnerable, so choosing to sleep near you is a significant sign of trust. Whether it’s at the foot of your bed, beside your couch, or curled up on the floor near your chair, your dog’s decision to rest close to you means they feel protected and at ease in your presence. Some dogs might even prefer to sleep with part of their body touching you, further indicating their trust.

7. Bringing You Their Toys

yorkie playing with toy
Photo By MilaLazo/YAY Images

When a dog brings you their favorite toy, it’s not just an invitation to play; it’s also a sign of trust. Your dog is offering you something valuable to them, showing they trust you with their prized possession. This behavior also indicates that your dog sees you as a companion they want to engage with, reinforcing the bond of trust between you.

8. Calm During Grooming

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Grooming can be an uncomfortable experience for some dogs, especially if they are not used to it. However, if your dog remains calm during grooming sessions, it’s a strong indication that they trust you. They know you won’t hurt them and that you’re simply trying to take care of them. This trust can be particularly evident during activities like brushing, nail clipping, or bathing.

9. Responding to Your Commands

training german shepherd
Photo By YuriArcurs/YAY Images

A dog that trusts you will be more likely to respond to your commands. This responsiveness is a sign that they trust your guidance and look to you for direction. When a dog follows your lead, it shows that they believe you know what’s best for them, whether it’s coming when called, sitting, or staying by your side.

10. Showing Excitement When You Come Home

Photo By YuriArcurs/YAY Images

One of the most heartwarming signs that your dog trusts and loves you is the excitement they show when you come home. A wagging tail, happy barks, and even a little dance are all indicators that your dog is thrilled to see you and feels secure knowing you’re back. This joyful reaction is a clear sign that your dog’s trust in you is strong and unwavering. Please Note: This content was created with the assistance of AI and thoroughly edited by a human before publishing.

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